death to the infidel
Ok, I'll admit it, it's out of perverse curiosity. That's the best reason I can come up with. I do this every now and then... knowing it's propaganda, I figured I'd see what people are spewing these days. Sometimes I'll turn on the radio late at night when driving through the bible belt, other times I'll wish I could get those guys in the bow ties to sell me a copy of The Final Call.But this time, it was something that arrived along with all the other crap-vertisements in my mailbox, at some point weeks or months ago. A DVD - Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West.
So I watched the DVD. The parallels are really quite striking... between the rhetoric in Obsession, and the rhetoric of the Religious Right. Heck, between the rhetoric that Obsession deries, and the way they decry it:
From Obsession: "If you want to get people to fight, you have make them think there's a threat and they're in danger." hunh... no kidding. So... how is what they're (arbitrary "they") doing different from what you're doing? It's all rhetoric of fear to me. Es ist mir Wurst. ("it's sausage to me" - German phrase meaning: enh. whatever. same difference.)
This, along with the montage earlier that plays the "Tuesday morning, World Trade Center, NYC.... Thursday morning, Madrid train bombing... Thursday afternoon, London bombing... (some other day of the week) Beslan School - 200 children killed" What bugs me most? That the Beslan thing was so not a religious terrorist attack, but a nationalist seperatist group, and the deaths were caused by the Russian security forces and their misuse of tranquilizer gas during the standoff. They compare the propaganda and global domination aspirations to Nazi Germany. They even interview a former Hitler Youth guy (now in his 70s) who, after montage of thronging masses at a rally, says "Now can you imagine: we were enlightened people, and we fell for this. Why wouldn't muslims fall for this." Nice one, buddy. "enlightened people"? Apparently you're not so enlightened, given that you seem to be a bigoted prick who considers himself superior to anyone who isn't like him. No surprise you were in the Hitler Youth.
The filmmakers hype up the way that mullahs preach about the divine blow to the enemies of Islam, and how eventually Islam will conquer the world. Hunh. Sounds a lot like what I saw in Jesus Camp.
More "death to the infidel", just this time, it's whitey screaming it from the rooftops calling for Jesus to conquer the world. More of the same, more of the same.
I look back on the time I spent watching this crap and wonder why I do it. I knew what kind of crap it was, and I watched it anyway. I guess I've got it out of my system now, but perverse curiosity has it's way with me every now and then.
Just think, that is an hour or two of your life that you will not get back - and all it did was irritate, not enlighten...
Oh... well that happens all the time. Hell, I even went to the trouble to blog about it. That's time that I won't get back, either.
Glad you did. ;-) Blog about it, that is.
well, I suspect that the phrases "death to the infidel" and "dvd 'obsession'" and all sorts of other keywords would get all kinds of search engine traffic, so we'll just have to see what kind of comments I'll be getting. Maybe there's another Karl out there just a-waitin' for this post.
Islam is Nazism
balkun ss
brunner (nazi death camp officer) supported by syrian goverment when he fled germany, they evan gave him a free mansion and refused to turn him over to this day.
obsession or "FITNA" clearly shows the true face of islam dont defend it with retoric about christians because they gave the world everything Free speech, equality, and pretty much everything you take for granted like clean safe drinking water.
You do realize that you don't come across as a "neutralopinion", right?
Christians didn't provide any such things you idiot. Christians have brought war (crusades, as well as other more modern atrocities), supported intolerance, suppressed dissent, etc. etc.
No religion is innocent of it's history or the crimes of it's followers. Wake up and see it for what it is.
Oh yeah, and learn to spell, pinhead.
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