17 October 2012

Dear Diary...

I feel like shit.

No, it's not a guilt complex or anything, just simply I am not feeling right. Tired, headachey, brain being slow, and it seems to be continuous. How to snap out of this? How to come back to refreshed, calm, clear, and on the front of the beat instead of the back of it? (the beat being the existential music of the day/week/month)  Is this just the sad state of 21st century human fatigue? Is whatever it is, whatever reason for running on fumes, on the edges of the desirable envelope, worthwhile?  Ah, that's the existential question... is it the edge of the envelope, or is that just current perception...

Perhaps I should consider sleeping regularly instead of irregularly, eating sensibly, getting some exercise.

It couldn't be that simple, could it?

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