07 May 2013

Put yourself in their shoes...

(Caveat: this all work productivity/career related)
There are times when one (me) loses sight of where one is. And suddenly look up to find myself at a point where I look around and think "what do I do now? What was I supposed to be doing? What am I supposed to be doing next?"  Usually this after an extended period of one topic/task, or in some cases, bouncing frantically from one to the next.

So the thought comes "ok, now what?"

I've come to the resolution that the correct response to this situation is to


Bwaaahahaha!  Funny thing, I found this as a draft.  And now I can't remember what the hell I meant to say.

Obviously, I was interrupted, either by something, someone, or myself.  It just seems so... meta... for a post about distraction to have been interrupted by distraction.

It's elephants all the way down...

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