21 February 2007

doom and gloom reminder

I was reminded of a friend's birthday today (reminded by someone else remembering it and me having forgotten it) when I wondered "why don't I have birthday reminders in my Treo? That would actually make sense, seeing as how it's a calendaring device..." So I set about figuring this out, and for some reason I have birthdays attached to he addresses of people, instead of attached to days. Weird, yes, but that's because as I migrate data around, I consider data about people sacred and data about days gone past expendable (if I'm going to save something, it's more likely to be addresses than calendars)

So the revelation in all of this is that I'm putting birthdays in the calendar as well, I set an alarm for two weeks before (to remember to get a gift/card), and then check the "repeat" box.

Repeat how often? Why... yearly, of course. Repeat until?

"no end date" doesn't seem right - no one is immortal. But if I pick a date, that suggests a time after which it won't matter - either the end of their life, my life, or my caring about their birthday. I realize that my Treo doesn't have The Power of Life and Death, but it was kind of a weird moment. How long does this matter? And if I choose No End Date, does that subconsciously affect how I perceive our friendship?

I used to say that I overthink things. But since I heard it said of me last night, I'm much more prefering "He's got quite the busy mind, eh??" [you have to say that while rolling your eyes (crazy-eyes) a little]


Zoe the Wonder Dog said...

The actual quotation: "He's got quite the busy mind, eh??"

BTW, Sept. 1

biscodo said...

I was struggling to remember, so that's for that. "busy" is so flattering... :)