23 October 2007

pedal therapy

A new mantra to cure what ails: just go pedal somewhere.

A couple weeks ago after a build up and tension-filled anti-climax of over-thought expectations, I found myself crashing hard, and into a navel-gazing funk. A little voice inside trying to console myself, trying at both ends to pull deeper within and extract from the morass. "Go, get out and do something." "Do what?" "I don't care... Try Something. Try Anything." "I should at least have some sort of plan." "No. Just go pedal somewhere."

And that's the voice that won. And as I rolled along, the lint clot in my head broke free. The bike love took over.

It fixed me.

There's lots of bike love - whether you're a pro or new to it. Sometimes you just have to remember that it's there Available, cheaper than therapy, and no reservation required.


Lynne said...

"...build up and tension-filled anti-climax of over-thought expectations, I found myself crashing hard, and into a navel-gazing funk.."

Wow-that IS a crap ass day! Good point, excellent post.

Matthew said...

You 'ain't lived until you experience the 3 minutes in court that negates 10+ years of a relationship and all that you have worked for...

Now, that is an built up tension filled anti-climax to write home about!

biscodo said...

Matt -

I... I don't know what to say.

I've known the divorce was becoming formal, that it happened, and I've been far too silent about it. This would be the second time a good friend of mine has gotten divorced, and I just still haven't figured out what to say/do other than to say that I'm sorry and that it sucks... but that's astoundingly insufficient for the context.

I know only that I know very little about what would make it better. I suspect that you need to work through your own issues about it, and there's little I can do to help with the internal nuggets of that. But know that I hope you can find some peace somewhere in all of it that makes some sense.