24 June 2009


Seems I've had a change of heart...

I used to sneer at pole dancing. You know, wisecracks about parenting... that you can say you've been a good parent if, and only if, you've managed to, until they are 18: a) keep your kid from getting arrested/imprisoned, b) kept your kid from becoming a parent themselves, and c) keep them off The Pole.

As of today, I'm taking back that last one. Check this out... I think I'm going to start calling Pole Dancing as much of a sport as Rhythmic Gymnastics. If you're bored at the beginning, skip ahead to the last half - it gets more and more impressive. Oh, say... somewhere around 1:55 or 2:35 or 2:55.

(it's PG-13 for adult themes such as pole dancing, but there's no nudity, so I'm calling it "safe for work")

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