04 August 2006

Who... me? Root Canal? awww, you shouldn't have...

Over the past few days I've been having some tooth/jaw discomfort that, after waking me up at 3am a couple nights in a row, led me to a dentist's office. I haven't exactly been too good with dentist upkeep (haven't been in for a cleaning/maintenence in 10 years or so - yeah, I know, I know...), and it's something I've been meaning to get to. Now is as good a time as any, eh?

So basically, I have this pain in one of my lower front teeth, as well as sensitivity on the bottom of my chin (hurts when I press on my chin)... I get a next-day appointment, go in, do the description of everything, and he pokes around. He's a little unsure exactly what's causing it, but after taking an X-ray, suspects a dead or dying nerve, which probably explains the pressure/itch I feel in the bone and the weird face pain. Er... weird facial pain? "weird face pain" sounds like a pain that you get from making a weird face ("If you keep that up, your face is going to stick like that...")

So quicker than you can say "though they probably aren't related, this is what you get for waiting 10 years to see a dentist", I'm on my way to consult with an endodontist for a root canal. And I thought it was supposed to be a big deal - like something you build up to and plan ahead for. They just toss it around like they do them all the time. Oh wait, they DO do them all the time. So that's the way my Monday is shaping up. Root Canal Day.
Let's see, add to this my "recall" trip to the Allergy Clinic (I had an allergy screening about 2 years ago after that weird hive thing, then got a letter in the mail last year "There may have been false negative results due to the use of allergens past their expiration date, so come back for a complimentary re-screening") and the check-up/physical about a week or two ago and it's just been a doctor-filled month for me. Of course, after not having seen any for 10 years, I guess I'm due. Just wait another ten years and then I can start to wonder about whether my prostate is in good health or not. Golly gee whiz, I'm starting to feel old. I better go get some more fiber in my diet.

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