18 May 2006

showerblogging (shablogging?)

I'm at Matthew and Sandra's house this week (and next week too, if you didn't know) and they've got this soap which, well... I'm actually afraid of. It's not that it's menacing, it's just really creepy. (OK, side note here: I'm at a cafe - Sandra and I just left meeting Matthew for lunch - and I got up to go to the bathroom, and Sandra was totally reading the first two sentences of this. This of course now means that when I re-read itI notice how totally boring it is. So I'm on a crusade now, "punching up the dialog" now that someone read the boring part. Of course, since a blog is intended to be read anyway, what was I thinking, writing something boring? Who wants to read that?

So yeah, there's this soap made by some ultra-religious folks that is purported to contain "prayer" and "eloptic energy". Two REALLY funny things about the soap - the reason why I couldn't stand using it was because it smelled way too much like Dawn/Palmolive/dish soap. I'm willing to bet that's what it actually is. The other thing is that, even with all of the claims about essentially spiritual homeopathy, there's another group of religious folks that denounce them as minions of Satan. Fer cryin' out loud, somebody please get the Satanic minions straight here...

Anyway, I'll help to oppose the Crazy Water People for their laughability and danger they may pose to well-intentioned, but unsuspecting consumers. I for one am glad that the FDA is at least doing something . As for me, I'm going with the Tea Tree stuff, because that stuff smells great. Nothing like what you would expect, but it's definitely something I like.

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