22 June 2006


So I'm heading out on the Thursday night Velo Club ride, and during the chit-chat portion of the ride (that's the part that's about 45-50 minutes before the aw-shit-I'm-about-to-get-dropped-and-I-don't-know-the-rest-of-the-route portion of the ride - the part that I'm not too fond of) me and the guy next to me are having "howdy neighbor" and "think it's gonna rain?" small talk.

Since I'm kind of new to the group, I get the "so, you live in Ann Arbor?" question fairly often (or maybe it's another weapon in the "how-'bout-the-weather" arsenal) . Since I'm never one to give people out-of-context responses and we've got plenty of time, I give the long response: yup, lived in Ann Arbor about 10 years now, haven't been riding much, got back on the bike this Spring, etc. etc. Which, during a pause in conversation leads to "yup, starting off a new decade in Michigan and it gets me thinking about the next decade - all those residential/existential questions, blah blah blah." And the murderous response:
"oh really? ... new decade, hunh... you turned 40?"


I know I'm no spring chicken, but do I really look 40? Or just look like 40 when I'm pedalling along in a pack? I don't know which would be worse. Let the record show that he looked at least 5 years older than my 32 years (though it was clear that he had some legs that could give out some ass-whoopin'). And let the record NOT show that he lead the group that dropped me... 5 years older-looking and everything. Skinny bastard. We hates you.

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