02 March 2007


Haven't posted in a while - I guess there just hasn't been a whole lot going on that I want to post about. I didn't post a review of Beer Fest, but I'll get to that and just backdate the post (feels like cheating, but if I can bend time, that will lessen my pseudo-guilt about my perpetual tardiness). Went skating Wed. at lunch, thinking about going today... One thing on my wish list: how do you do a hockey stop? I'm not from "skating stock" - it's not part of my DNA. (but I'm a quick learner). It's just that there's something I feel I'm missing - do you curve into the stop like a french curve, jump into it, disconnecting from the ice and then chiseling, or do you skew off one foot and then bring the other around? Ah, one of these days I'll commit enough attention to it.
In the meantime, blah-dy-blah, whatever.

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