25 November 2006

One square foot at a time

Seen while riding out to Chicago Critical Mass this past Thanksgiving weekend - a fine way to make your neighborhood a little nicer, one square foot at a time. Wondering if the local constabulary haven't seen, don't care, or even might like such community embellishments. Heck, as vandalism goes, it's the nicest form I can think of.

... and as I sit here in a cafe in Evanston, coffeed to the gills, the random shuffle of music in the headphones turns to some Hüsker Dü, then some fast punk hardcore, and all of a sudden I'm transported back though to memories of high school days. Nostalgia - an indicator of stagnancy, or just a natural temporary condition? Hell, I'm not even that nostalgic - maybe just that it is a thing I can be certain knowing when life these days has so many undecideds, unknownables, unrevealeds, etc.

Of course, it could just be benign annual mid-holiday reminiscing, too.

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