04 January 2007

humbly impressed

While I'm mucking about with The Stop Sign Project (yes, it is a foolish amusement, but it's MY foolish amusement, thank you very much), I have some data points that I recorded with pen and paper. Since I'm getting the Garmin GPS (while I'm gushing about them, might as well put in a shameless plug for the unit and the software) into the mix these days, I'm trying to record routes, and discovered that I could manually create tracks/routes and thus merge the paper data into the electronic data.

How cool is it that you can not only turn on "autorouting" which between Point A and Point B will confine the route to established roads, but that you can specify the level of autorouting... are you going by car, bike, walking... need an emergency route or one that is appropriate to truck traffic? A map that takes into account one-way streets, low bridges, and load limits, and lets you pick which one you want, is "A+" super-fine for me. Good job, Garmin people.

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