22 December 2006

first three thoughts

Woke up this morning at an uncharacteristically early (for me) hour, with three simultaneous thoughts/sleep remnants:
- If Chicago can ban foie gras from being served/sold, and NYC can ban trans fats, and ____ cities can ban smoking in all public places (bars and restaurants included), I want there to be a ban on having to see obese people shovel french fries into their maws in public. If there's going to be a health/cruelty argument for smoke/trans/foie, then let's not stop there...
- If pro-lifers argue that life begins at conception/fertilization, then in-vitro lab technicians that drop test tubes with blastocysts in them should be prosecuted for negligent manslaughter and women who smoke during pregnancy should be charged with child abuse.
- The opening of PJ Harvey's song Oh My Lover which, though PJH "rejects the notion that her songs are autobiographical," is kind of funny seeing that it starts of with an affirmation of polyamory, and the artist's first name is... Polly.

It seems my sleep was one of of personal freedoms offended by the hypocrisy of zealots, with a soundtrack from 1992.

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